Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pick Pick Pick...ugly ugly ugly!!

I am not a beauty blogger by any means! I have no interest in sharing make up tips blah blah. I do Arbonne I live by Arbonne and I refuse to put animal fat on my face.

This post is going to lead into a BARE ALL! 

ok bare face! 

I have recently ended my Depo-Provera shot and my skin is whack whack whack!

I look like I am a meth head..or was...

I don't know what I am doing wrong but I have to drink a million gallons of water to get my skin to clear up and right now nothing is happening!! I wash my face twice a day! There is no way I can go without make up..then I ended up looking like a horrible Nicki Minaj with make up just packed on to hide my scars, scabs, and pimples. 

I pick my skin like no other, I don't know how many times I have heard from my parents, friends, strangers! "Don't pick your face you'll get scars!"

Thank goodness I don't have pock scars, but I do have red scars from where the little devils used to nest! 

I have small scabs cause when I pick and I get that sweet relief of a POP! Well, I am always under the assumption "there is more! There has to be more!" so I dig and dig and dig! Then I am left with ugly red marks all over my face and then I go for that liquid foundation which I don't think looks good on anybody! Slather it on my face then douche my entire face with bronzer to try and hide these nasty little marks!

I bought a pressed powder foundation from Arbonne. It covers amazing and doesn't leave my face vulnerable to other peoples eyes where they will look at me and turn away as if the witch in beauty in the beast! 

Tomorrow I am starting this face mission and getting my skin back to normal! Today I have already put on this decent powder and t helps but I don't want to overboard so today I must face the music that you can see my imperfections and I don't have skin like J. Simpson

I don't airbrush any photos on here or even photoshop ever. Too much time for me. That is all piled on make up. On camera looks amazing, in person you would want to scrape my face off with a spatula!  I want to make it look amazing in person! I ma hiding in my nutshell because I am so embarrassed that I don't have perfect skin like so many other bloggers I follow.

I hate you all!

This is an older the day before I got married I still have those fresh pick marks just in other places now..I can't help myself!

So tomorrow I will take a picture of what the le skin looks like without make up.
please don't unfollow me when you see

What do you do to make your skin stay clear?
Any one else can't help but pick pick pick?
Any home micro dermabrasion?
Any tips!!!


K said...

I wonder if your skin just needs to get used to the hormone difference. I took two packs of birth control back to back because I was supposed to get my friend on my honeymoon and my face went INSANE, but it calmed down. How long have you been off it?

nicole. said...

hate skin. i have always had awful skin. i suppose it could be worse, but still.

i use ivory (only soap that doesnt make me break out). then eucerin redness relief lotion. and a bit of retin a.

i also put a small amount of vaseline on my face (under eyes, forehead and any broken out places) at night.

true story. vaseline is a miracle worker.

Nikki said...

Ok girlfriend check it. I used to have TERRIBLE skin. Went on the pill it clears up came off it it stayed clear. I use to this day and swear by it the target brand st Ives apricot scrub. Shit works miracles on my face. I am patiently waiting for the goodies you sent me to try them as well! I've also noticed the less junk I eat the clearer my face tends to be along with the more water I chug the better as you already know. I don't wear makeup unless I'm going to a function and even then I wear the least amount as swivel as in really just eye makeup because I feel like when I wear a full face my face feels dirty. Try not to pick although I know the rewarding feeling of a solid pop when u attack a pimple bc I am totally just like you on that one! When you do pop one grab yourself a cotton ball with some alcohol and soak that shit in it. If I think of anything else ill let you kno!

Cate said...

I'm also a picker. I hate how it makes my face look but love the satistfying POP. I used to tan about 3-4 times a week, and that honestly cleared my face up a lot....but that shiz is PRICEY, so now I use bronzer with tinted moisturizer underneath (both by e.l.f.)

I find that when I'm stressed, nervous, not eating very healthy or PMSing my skin goes crazy. I have been drinking lots of water, trying to get 8 hours of sleep a night, cut out 90% of cheese/dairy from my diet, try not to stress out as much, and I can already tell a difference after a couple of weeks.

Good luck, girl!

Also...what's up with the funky way your blog shows up now? it seems to be a real estate blog most of the time, and the links to the posts on my dashboard are confused! I just want to read your stories!

Curly Girl Confessions said...

I am sure your body is adjusting to not having hormones pumped into you especially if you aren't switching to any sort of BP.
I have roscea so my face is sensitive, but I LIVE by Oil of Olay Foaming Cleanser for sensitive skin. I also purchased a little facial brush that has soft bristles to get the dead skin off. I use CeraVe (found at Target) for a's amazing. And then the BEST makeup in the whole world for people with overly producing skin or sensitive skin is Lorac!!! It has changed my life! Good luck! Picking definitely doesn't help, missy. ;)

Unknown said...

After switching BC, my skin went crazy and never calmed down. I was even going to a dermatologist, taking antibiotics and prescription cream. The thing that has worked like a charm. I drink one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (Dr. Bragg's) in the am and before bed and within a week, my skin is looking so much better! I usually mix it with water because I'm not brave enough to drink it straight.

AllyValdez said...

Girl, I recently got a clarisonic. Expensive, but amazing. All scars and redness are gone:)

Raquel said...

Maybe your skin needs some breathing time. You may not feel comfortable wearing it, but maybe try switching to a tinted moisturizer. It will let your skin breathe a lot more than with foundation. As for cleanser, try something for sensitive skin. Those usually always work!

When your skin starts to act whack, just go easy on the products. Use as little as possible! Just use the basics- makeup remover, cleanser, moisturizer, and a light foundation or tinted moisturizer.

Stephanie said...

Ummm we're in the same boat sister. As soon as I got off birth control my face went cray cray!! (Being a woman is a real bitch sometimes) I work for a hormone/allergy doctor and have been told several times it's either hormonal or allergies or both. They say dairy can be a HUGE factor in breakouts so I've been dairy free for a month now. A week and a half ago, I eliminated ALL bread, sugar, potatoes, alcohol, and of course, dairy and I can already tell a HUGE difference. You may want to see if it's something your eating? Could be an easy fix?! Best of luck...I totally FEEL you.

kim {the non-mom blogger} said...

I'm selling this stuff now because it is THAT amazing:

Try the solution finder to pinpoint your biggest skin concerns and it will recommend a regimen. You'll love these products (if not there's a 60 day money back guarantee - but you'll love them)! Let me know if you have any questions!!

Lindsay said...

Make sure you use a moisturizer too. Most people dry out their skin which makes your skin produce more oil. It sounds weird but it's true. I use an oil free one by Dermalogica and have loved it for four years now!